Avanti Ex-Box st

Avanti Ex-Box st

Regular price £438.00

The latest addition to our Avanti Ex-Box exhausts is the straight through version, (no baffles) 

On the right kit this exhaust will rev out higher than the standard version without loosing any torque.

Customers have been running these on  Avanti Kits, RT Kits, GT Kits,  TS1, RB's  & Quattrini's.

Check out reports from customers on Face Book.


International orders please email first

 The following Dealers are stockists who may have stock

Andy Francis Scooters  www.andyfrancisscooters.co.uk  07799035809

Cambridge Lambretta Ltd.   www.lambretta.co.uk   01223516662

Flintshire Scooter Centre  www.flintshirescootercentre.co.uk 07510136802

JG Scooters Grantham 07966920021

Just Lambretta    www.justlambretta.com  07813385387

Lambretta – Images   www.lambretta-images.com  07737074206

Lambretta Upgrades   www.lambrettaupgrades.co.uk 07915394255

Simply Retro   Nottingham  07840156260

Shaw-Fire Lambretta   www.shaw-firelambrettaspares.co.uk 07702037069    

Torbay Lambretta   www.torbaylambretta.co.uk  07759450081

Ve (UK) Ltd           www.ve-uk.com       0115 946 2991

Warren Smith    Surrey 01483 727227 

U.S.A customers there is Stock in New Yorkgrahame@grahamefowler.com

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